Bond Payment System

Our customers needed an improved system for distributing the costs of their business bonds across cases. The incumbent workflow was functional but created unnecessary work for users and could be intimidating to complete.

Bond Payment System

Our customers needed an improved system for distributing the costs of their business bonds across cases. The incumbent workflow was functional but created unnecessary work for users and could be intimidating to complete.

Bond Payment System

Our customers needed an improved system for distributing the costs of their business bonds across cases. The incumbent workflow was functional but created unnecessary work for users and could be intimidating to complete.


Angular web application

My Role

UX design




Angular web application

My Role

UX design




Angular web application

My Role

UX design




To understand the problems users faced we interviewed clients in a focus group, met with business stakeholders and held one-on-ones with production support staff.

In our research, we learned fiduciary office assistants were often tasked with creating various bond options to present to their managers. The options were for different scenarios involving how to distribute the cost of a surety bond across their managed estates. The incumbent design required multiple steps to clean up and was taxing to users.

The second pain point was felt when users finalized a bond. Only one poorly labeled button stood between users and a complex operation that created bank transactions and prepared paper checks. The support team told us users would often call when finalizing a bond for “hand-holding.” Users were weary because execution was very difficult to unwind if a mistake had been made.


To understand the problems users faced we interviewed clients in a focus group, met with business stakeholders and held one-on-ones with production support staff.

In our research, we learned fiduciary office assistants were often tasked with creating various bond options to present to their managers. The options were for different scenarios involving how to distribute the cost of a surety bond across their managed estates. The incumbent design required multiple steps to clean up and was taxing to users.

The second pain point was felt when users finalized a bond. Only one poorly labeled button stood between users and a complex operation that created bank transactions and prepared paper checks. The support team told us users would often call when finalizing a bond for “hand-holding.” Users were weary because execution was very difficult to unwind if a mistake had been made.


To understand the problems users faced we interviewed clients in a focus group, met with business stakeholders and held one-on-ones with production support staff.

In our research, we learned fiduciary office assistants were often tasked with creating various bond options to present to their managers. The options were for different scenarios involving how to distribute the cost of a surety bond across their managed estates. The incumbent design required multiple steps to clean up and was taxing to users.

The second pain point was felt when users finalized a bond. Only one poorly labeled button stood between users and a complex operation that created bank transactions and prepared paper checks. The support team told us users would often call when finalizing a bond for “hand-holding.” Users were weary because execution was very difficult to unwind if a mistake had been made.

Cluttered screen

Users had to filter to separate drafts from permanent records presented on the same screen.

Clumsy cleanup

Draft clean-up was a select, delete, repeat operation.

Clumsy cleanup

Draft clean up was a select, delete, repeat operation.

Clumsy cleanup

Draft clean up was a select, delete, repeat operation.

Cautious users

Finalizing a bond made users uneasy and hesitant to perform themselves.

Cautious users

Finalizing a bond made users uneasy and hesitant to perform themselves.

Cautious users

Finalizing a bond made users uneasy and hesitant to perform themselves.


We had the opportunity to provide our customers with two improvements to this high-stakes but infrequent workflow. If we succeeded we would also reduce support calls for this issue and lower operational costs.


Clear view

Pre-filtered views would give users quick access to separated lists of finalized bonds and drafts.

Clean sweep

A single action could sweep all drafts to the trash.

Confidence of clarity

A clear bond summary would put users at ease before finalizing.


We separated draft and posted bond records, placing each in its own view to eliminate unnecessary filtering. With drafts separated from posted bonds, we added a feature to delete all unused scenarios in one step.

To build user confidence when posting bonds we designed a new confirmation modal dialog that summarized what would take place in the finalization step. Additionally, we specified a placebo delay into the button that finalized the bond. This gave users up to three seconds to cancel their command before the system actually began processing the job.


We separated draft and posted bond records, placing each in its own view to eliminate unnecessary filtering. With drafts separated from posted bonds, we added a feature to delete all unused scenarios in one step.

To build user confidence when posting bonds we designed a new confirmation modal dialog that summarized what would take place in the finalization step. Additionally, we specified a placebo delay into the button that finalized the bond. This gave users up to three seconds to cancel their command before the system actually began processing the job.


We separated draft and posted bond records, placing each in its own view to eliminate unnecessary filtering. With drafts separated from posted bonds, we added a feature to delete all unused scenarios in one step.

To build user confidence when posting bonds we designed a new confirmation modal dialog that summarized what would take place in the finalization step. Additionally, we specified a placebo delay into the button that finalized the bond. This gave users up to three seconds to cancel their command before the system actually began processing the job.

a collection of user interface design elements
a collection of user interface design elements
a collection of user interface design elements

Design Process

While our UX team was given basic requirements to rebuild the feature using our new framework, we took the opportunity to make a significant update to the workflow. Potential improvements arose from our discovery process and were workshopped within the UX team. We then shopped high-level ideas to our product owners and relationship managers for feedback.

We took the results to a whiteboard session and mapped out how to implement improvements along with the base functionality in the new UI framework. We identified patterns used to solve feature issues in other parts of the application that fit naturally with the design of this project.

Design Process

While our UX team was given basic requirements to rebuild the feature using our new framework, we took the opportunity to make a significant update to the workflow. Potential improvements arose from our discovery process and were workshopped within the UX team. We then shopped high-level ideas to our product owners and relationship managers for feedback.

We took the results to a whiteboard session and mapped out how to implement improvements along with the base functionality in the new UI framework. We identified patterns used to solve feature issues in other parts of the application that fit naturally with the design of this project.

Design Process

While our UX team was given basic requirements to rebuild the feature using our new framework, we took the opportunity to make a significant update to the workflow. Potential improvements arose from our discovery process and were workshopped within the UX team. We then shopped high-level ideas to our product owners and relationship managers for feedback.

We took the results to a whiteboard session and mapped out how to implement improvements along with the base functionality in the new UI framework. We identified patterns used to solve feature issues in other parts of the application that fit naturally with the design of this project.


Our final design shipped as part of a major update to several workflows. After the release we polled the support and relationship management team who reported positive feedback from users.